Where Does the Fat From CoolSculpting Go, and is it Worth the Price?
The idea behind CoolSculpting is the kind of stuff that urban legends are made of. Two Harvard scientists, Dieter Manstein, M.D. and Rox Anderson, M.D. observed that kids who frequently sucked on popsicles were more bedimpled than those who didn’t. They theorized that the outer layers of fat cells were frozen and eliminated without causing damage to the surrounding tissues and overlying skin. This is at the heart of cryolipolysis, the technology behind CoolSculpting. To date, CoolSculpting is the most studied and is considered the most-cost-effective of all the non-invasive technologies available for the safe destruction of stubborn, unwanted, and superficial fat.
FDA approved since 2009 it has a (negative side-effect) rate of .01% which means that it is considered very safe. This is primarily due to the fact that it works with your body’s normal immune process. Nothing is added or introduced into your body and you already have a system in place to cope with the effect of this type of fat cell elimination.
How CoolSculpting freezes fat and destroys it
In nature, fat cells protect us from the cold, similar to the way that blubber insulates marine mammals. Because of this, these cells are the first to be absorbed when surrounding air cools and your body begins to attempt core temperature regulation. There are various shapes and applicator sizes that can be used to contour your body so it looks good from every angle. It is important to select the proper handpiece so a good suction can be established. Once the cells are irrevocably damaged by the cold that is transmitted from the applicator to the fat underneath it, the body’s immune system kicks into gear in a process called apoptosis (pronounced ap-a-toe-sis).
Cell degeneration and death are an important part of a healthy system, we even have cells dedicated to eradicating the waste. White blood cells, primarily the ones called macrophages (pronounced macro-phay-ges), are charged with devouring bacteria and dead cells like the ones produced from the CoolSculpting process. Our bodies are doing it everyday so it’s nothing new.

Stubborn Fat Cells are Incredibly Resistant

CoolSculpting Technology Targets and Freezes Them

As the Weeks Pass, They Die Off and are Safely Reabsorbed

This Fat Destruction is Long-Term, the Cells are Eliminated
Expected Results and Side Effects
One word of advice, CoolSculpting is not meant to target all of the excess fat on one’s body, particularly bodies that lean toward obesity. Rather, CoolSculpting targets specific areas of stubborn fat that resist diet and exercise. These pockets are typically more superficially placed and is referred to as “pinchable fat”. It is not intended for deep layers of fat. Those over 20% of their ideal body weight should try to lose weight first before trying CoolSculpting.
Bruising, swelling, and slight numbness were reported side effects which resolved without intervention (in case studies). Latent pain in the treatment area is rare but it constitutes the most common complaint when it comes to side effects. It typically occurred around 14 days after treatment and could be treated with analgesics.
What many of our clients love most about fat loss with CoolSculpting is the added ease it gives them in maintaining their ideal weight. Most people don’t realize that the number of fat cells in our bodies typically becomes fixed sometime in our teens. Meaning that, for the most part, we don’t lose fat cells when we lose weight through diet and exercise, they just flatten-out. With CoolSculpting these fat cells are completely eliminated:
Weight-Loss without CoolSculpting is great, but it does not change the number of fat cells in your body.

The caveat is that remaining cells can store fat so for best results be prudent with your diet and exercise to keep metabolism going. Effects can be felt months after the initial treatment and improved on with subsequent sessions.
After your CoolSculpting treatment is complete you are actually left with fewer fat cells in your body without the monthly gym cost!
It’s amazing to think that a little scientific curiosity and a frozen treat lead to such a breakthrough in aesthetic innovation. We’re no longer restricted to costly and invasive liposuction when we just need to eliminate some stubborn fat. Risk is minimal and there is practically no downtime. In fact, CoolSculpting prices are one of the most attractive things about the procedure.

Book a FREE CoolSculpting CONSULTATION to find more about CoolSculpting and how you can incorporate it into your fat loss goals!